The Green Phantom

Tír na nÓg - Message Board: Muse - Inspired by the Tír: The Green Phantom
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Laurelrose on Thursday, March 11, 1999 - 06:15 pm:

By Julie Dyson

There is a place just outside our little town, where it is said, a figure clothed in green walks. The figure is said to be a woman who spurned a god of an old religion, who then cursed her to walk the same spot for all the ages to come. I for one didn't believe a word of it till the night I was talked into going with some friends to see if she would appear.
I was sixteen at the time, young, foolish, and thought that I knew it all, of course at that age I did. We set off in Jeff's old truck, the noisiest thing in the county. It ran on our hopes that it wouldn't breakdown. The birds were singing and the cicadas were in fine voice, as sunset was rapidly approaching. A warm breeze whispered through the trees that lined our route. The darkening of the sky sent shivers of anticipation up and down my spine. I noticed the hairs to rise on the back of my best friends neck.
We had stopped at the sign that stood drunkenly at an angle, welcoming folks into our town. The seconds ticked by and felt like hours to our tensed bodies. We were terrified and excited all at once. As soon as the sun left the sky, we fell quiet, straining to see the phantoms figure appear. I started to feel ridiculous sitting in a truck just waiting for a phantom of someone's imagination to appear, and waltz down the road. I hopped out of the truck and headed for the woods.

"Kestra, don't go to far you might get lost, and my dad says it's dangerous here 'bouts at night... mine shafts and all" Jeff yelled after me. I turned around and shrugged, the gravel crunching beneath my sneakers.

"Don't worry I won't go far, and I need some air."I yelled back as the woods closed in around me. Not wanting to mention that I felt it was rather silly to sit by the road all night, awaiting a ghost to appear for our entertainment.
A few minutes into the woods, I stopped and closed my eyes taking a deep breath of air. The air smelled of crisp clean vegetation, damp soil from last nights rain and pine needles. I could hear the quiet whisperings of the forest creatures and the playful wanderings of the breeze in the tree branches. There was a Loud sound that I at first didn't place, the sound of the trucks radio being turned up full blast. I smiled I wasn't far enough away yet to be able to ignore the sound. Boy it had given me a fright. I fought back the urge to go back as I realized that I had forgotten a flashlight. I pushed back a small spurt of fear and trudged on. The moon was shining brightly through the trees lighting the small path that I had wandered onto. I took off down it, and found myself on the oldest looking road I had ever seen. It was barely noticeable as having been a road at all. The weeds had covered the ruts and trees were beginning to encroach on the clearing.
With a start I noticed the sudden silence that had come over the forest. The darkness suddenly becoming ominous. There was a movement to my left, I froze hoping that there were no large dangerous animals in the area. It took me a bit to realize that it was a human form that I was seeing and not an animals' form. I don't mind admitting that I was sweating a bit.

"Who's there?" I called my voice cracking, much to my embarrassment. Silently the figure kept coming, it's movements silent and graceful. It shone faintly in the darkness. My adrenalin levels gave a little jump, I felt like running then, screaming out in terror. I was actually wishing that I was waiting out on the highway with my friends. "Hey come on quit joking, who are you?" I called hoping for a reply. When none came I started to get a very bad feeling. "Come on, please answer me." I said to my self, hoping that it was one of the guys from the truck playing a joke on me. "Laurie if that is you I know where you sleep. This is not funny, who put you up to it." I demanded using every ounce of false bravado that I had in me.
The figure walked silently on, coming closer. I was rooted to the spot with fear. My mouth becoming suddenly dry. It took me a bit to start noticing any details. It was tall, and had a cloak made of soft green cloth that seemed to shift in a breeze that was no longer blowing. I noticed the long boots of leather, a staff in one hand, and the bow slung across it's shoulder. It's head was held low and the hood covered it's features, I could see a white shirt and a leather jerkin, and brown leather pants, it's hair was a long brown that waved in time with the cloak. I still could not see it's face, as it came abreast of me I had the oddest impression of sorrow, frustration, desperation and anger. I drew in my breath as I realized that I could see the tree's right through the thing.
I raised my hand, I have no idea why or what prompted me to say the next words, but, I did.
"How may I help you friend" I asked my voice steadying and becoming firm. The figure stopped a few paces from me, and turned. I held my breath hoping that if it looked up its face would not be a mask of bones and hanging skin.
I found myself looking into the eyes of a man, his deep blue eyes, his smooth and tanned skin, his mouth wide and generous, and the long scar that marred his handsome face. My blood started to boil, and my hormones began working overtime. He walked back to me, and looked me skeptically up and down.
"Girl what makes you think that you can help me in any way." his voice was startling to say the least, a deep baritone, that sounded from within my mind.
I shook my head, " I don't know how, but I feel that I must. I am not even sure if I can help, I just know that I need to ." Again I was astonished at myself, I should be running away in fear, I should be screaming my head off for help but I was just standing here looking at a man, that I could see right through. I realized with a sort of surprise, that he was the ghost of all the old stories had spoken of. I also realized that every story that I had ever heard of about this specter had been wrong in all the facts.
He looked me up and down then nodded. "Alright then, you may help me." He turned and walked silently away. I followed incredulously behind him. We walked for what seemed like hours in silence the only sound was that of my feet moving through the undergrowth. My attention focused fully on his back, trying to ignore the dark furtive movements of the shadows among the trees, that seemed to follow us with every step. He spoke only when we had reached a small grove of oaks.
He lifted one hand to point at the oak trees." Within this grove I stand. I am held here by a spell cast on me by my uncle." his hand dropped to his side and he turned to face me. "I was cursed to wander each night separate of my body for eternity, or until someone came to free me from the spell, and I know not how that may be accomplished." He looked back at the grove and then back at me. I could see the pain and hope warring with scepticism in his eyes, and then his concern for me. "It may not be easy, In times gone by many have tried to help me, and died in the attempt. But that was a long eon ago. Now they stand sentinel on me, and only one watcher is here now." He looked at me again, his expression soft and concerned. "Though what you may do to help us I can not tell. Maybe one person will succeed where so many have failed." he paused. "I lend to you my staff, my bow, and my arrows. You may have need of them." He placed these in my hands, "I wish you luck." With those words he disappeared. I blinked, wow I thought. Looking about for where he might have gone. I swallowed cursing myself for the fool I felt I was.
I started forward, Why should I help this man. I asked myself as I walked. Why should I care if his soul wanders or not. I could feel a chill and stiff feeling starting to steal over me with each negative thought that crossed my mind. I shook my head and asked myself what I would do in his place. I found that I would want someone to help me. He must have been a bit desperate for that help, to have asked me for it. Plus it could help in the karma section my of life. I immediately felt my movements come more freely. I took a look at my surroundings and realized that I had no idea where I was. The moon had gone behind a cloud, and the only light that I had, came from a crystal that was embedded beside many others in the staffs tip. I put the fear of not getting back home again into the back of my mind.
I stopped and stood for a second getting my bearings, then started forward again. A mist swirled up around me, getting thicker with each step. I hesitated as the mist parted, uncertain about what to do next. In front of me stood a tall tree. It's trunk was thick with age, and in a form that reminded me some what of a standing man. I walked over to the tree and placed my hand on the bark. I could swear it was warm, that I could hear the faint throbbing of a heart. I turned around and looked about me. I was standing in the middle of a clearing, the man shaped tree standing in the middle like a lord surrounded by his knights, for the clearing was bordered on all sides by trees. The trunks pressed so close together that I really had no idea how I had gotten into the place, or how I was going to get out. I hesitated for only a second more, before walking around the tree. I noticed a stone alter not to far away. Curious I walked over for a better look. I could barely make out shapes that were inscribed on the alters surface. The light coming from the staff brightened as if in response to my need to see better. I made out a word engraved in Greek lettering with runes set around it along the tables edge. I could feel the power emanating from them. I took one cautious step back. What was I doing, this could be dangerous, I could get hurt messing with magic like this. Then again I told myself magic wasn't real. It didn't exist. I took another look about and stopped kidding myself. Who was I trying to kid? This whole thing reeked of magic. Calmly I reminded myself that someone needed my help.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped up to the alter again. In my mind a word floated, feeling compelled I spoke it aloud. I knew it was the one carved on the alter, nothing happened. Perplexed and frustrated, I walked around the tree one more time.
On the other side of it, I found myself face to face with a creature that was half monkey, half bat, and blacker than my deepest nightmares. With scales that shimmered like black rainbows. I knew it to be the watcher that the man had spoken of. It spotted me, and made a lunge for my throat. I swung the staff up in a defensive motion, smacking it sharply on the chin. I could not let it leave alive, if it should somehow be able to summon help I would be in serious trouble. The tip of the staff blazed a deadly red, and I swung again. It avoided the attack with an amazingly acrobatic manoeuver. It turned, and made a dash for the sky above. Without thinking I dropped the staff , and grabbed the bow from my shoulder. I whipped out an arrow, from the quiver, aimed and released it. I watched as it left a glowing red trail in the air, I had fired to much to the side and too low, but it swerved and headed up towards it's target. I heard a piecing cry from above and a sickening thump as something hit the ground in front of me. There was not another sound from the black lump that I could just barely make out in the semi dark of the grove. I picked up the staff, and walked back to the alter. I had no time to spare if the creature was missed... well I couldn't risk another coming to check on it's friends absence. I had to figure out what to do and fast. On an impulse I laid the tip of the staff on the word. Then I was standing not in my body but beside it. It stepped back still holding the staff. My head looked at the tree, my other hand raised as if laid on a solid wall, It whispered the word then shouted one in English.
"AWAKEN!" my body yelled lifting the staff up, and bringing it down with a sharp smack on the stone alter. Then I was suddenly back in my body. A tingling had started at my feet and ran up my body and up to my head. I closed my eyes as all the crystals embedded into the staffs wood blazed up to a blinding brightness. I felt a rush of power surge down both arms. The hard pressure pushing against my body. There was a sound like a guitar string braking, then the power left me.
I opened my eyes, the tree was gone, all the trees were gone, my hands were empty and the bow was gone. I could see that the stone alter was cracked in half, and I could hear the truck radio blearing from the side of the road not far away. No time at all had passed.
Slowly I walked back to the truck, and climbed in feeling wonderful. "How was your walk?" Laurie asked from her seat next to Jeff.
"Okay, nothing to exciting." I said as innocently as I could. Laurie gave me a sharp look, she could always tell when I was stretching the truth a little.
"See the spook?" Jeff asked grinning widely at the thought of what my reaction might be if I did come across it. I shook my head, and let my gaze wander to linger on the woods. I didn't feel like telling them about my adventure. I Wondered if I would ever find out the mans name, and resigned myself to the fact that I might never know it.
There was a flash of light from the woods up ahead of us. Catching our collective attention. Jeff reached down and turned off the radio, he was swallowing rapidly. Laurie was clutching his arm, her knuckles white with fear. She spotted a figure walking down the road, and gave a soft little cry of fear. The figure came closer, we all grew silent. I suddenly recognized the lithe walk and confident stance, it was him, the man from the old road.
He came up to us dressed in jeans and a soft white shirt, in one hand was the staff. "Do you kids need some help?" He asked not looking at me. The relieved nervous laughter of my friends sounded faint in my ears. I remained silent, as Jeff explained what we were doing on the side of the road. He looked up at me and winked. "Ahh, Kestra I didn't know that these were your friends." he said astounding me with his knowledge of my name. "I would like to thank you for helping me out back there. My friends and I would be stuck there still if you Hadn't lent a hand." His smile was dazzling to my eyes and my heart gave a strange little skip. I nodded, unable to speak. Laurie nudged me in the ribs and giving me the 'I want the dirt when we get back' look.
I just smiled and stretched out my hand. "It was my pleasure" I said, surprising myself by meaning it.
"Ahh, then may we call upon you for help in the future?" He asked quietly within my head. I smiled and nodded which is about all I could do since I probably would not have made any sense if I had spoken right then.
"Good then if we need you, I will come for you, or a friend will. He will be carrying a parchment with this symbol on it" I saw the symbol sketched on the inside of my mind, I knew I would not forget it. All this was exchanged in a moment as he said his hopes that we would reach home safely. He made his goodbyes and stalked away. I ran my hand though my hair.
My friends as one silently turned to look at me as his figure disappeared into the woods. "What?" I demanded, feeling a bit pressed.
"Well, are you gonna tell us about him or not?" Laurie demanded sounding exasperated. I smiled and tried to change the subject.
"So the phantom didn't show?" I asked; Laurie made an exasperated little noise.
"Come on Laurie she is not gonna tell us a thing about what happened. At least not tonight" Jeff said in a disgusted tone. He started the truck and headed us back. We drove home in silence. I watched as the moon rose and clouds started to cover the stars. Laurie sent me furtive speculative glances, when she thought I wasn't looking. By midnight we were home, and I was tucked safely into bed. I lay there reflecting on my adventure, feeling somehow changed. I started hoping that Jeff and Laurie would forget the man, and his appearance by the next day.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message  By Mstree on Thursday, March 11, 1999 - 10:01 pm:

I loved your story, LR! Now quit wasting time on the foolish nonsense we have incurred and continue this serious writing. *HUGZ* Your true talents are emerging and they are beautiful!~~~

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